Anhui Jinlongyuan Food Co., Ltd.
Dried almond tofu is delicious and nutritious
Source: | Author:佚名 | Published time: 2022-03-27 | 306 Views | Share:
Dried almonds are delicious and nutritious. Dried tofu is a snack, which is nutritious and healthy. Today, I make diced almond tofu. Almonds are rich in nutrients, especially rich in protein, fat, minerals and high nutritional value. Needless to say, the nutrition of dried bean curd, the combination of the two, what sparks can be touched!

Dried almonds are delicious and nutritious. Dried tofu is a snack, which is nutritious and healthy. Today, I make diced almond tofu. Almonds are rich in nutrients, especially rich in protein, fat, minerals and high nutritional value. Needless to say, the nutrition of dried bean curd, the combination of the two, what sparks can be touched!

Ingredients: 1 piece of dried tofu, 1 chopped green onion, 1 tablespoon minced garlic, 1 tablespoon almond strips, 1 tablespoon soy sauce, 1 teaspoon sugar, 1 teaspoon coarse black peppercorns, and 1 teaspoon peppercorns.

做法:1.锅中倒入适量的油将豆干切丁后放入煎至焦香起锅备用。2.使用进程一的油锅倒入花椒粒炒香后捞出花椒粒倒入蒜末 粗黑胡椒粉 葱末翻炒!喜欢大辣能够在这个进程参与辣椒末一同爆炒。3.豆干丁倒入进程二参与调味料及辣椒末翻炒均匀。4.豆干丁倒入进程二参与调味料及辣椒末翻炒均匀。5.豆干丁倒入进程二参与调味料及辣椒末翻炒均匀。
